Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Hellooo there
going through the twisting and turning roads of Himachal!!! where i am right now... many times this thought had come in the mind... Why do we judge people and yourself... Pondering over this and suddenly something just came up... When you yourself Judge people then you have a fear of other people judging you... may times knowingly also we judge people but over n over again we have to become aware that we are judging people...
Now tell me what is there in judging people???? really?? just give it a thought!!! What will happen if the whole world is judging you... others think you are like this and you are like that... Nobody in this whole world knows how you are... Including yourself...!!!!! So why are we concerned about what others think about you???
Give it a thought and reply... You will find a tendency of the mind to be someone... Find out...
This is what makes most of us a Miser... Staying in our own world of fantasy, Thoughts...
Strange are the ways of the Mind!!!!

Till the next post on this
Adios :-)


Faith Lasts said...

I am concerned about what others think about me because of fear- fear of losing love and respect where there is some and fear of never finding any where there is none.

However in knowledge one realizes that this too controlling a behaviour.
I cannot even control my breath ,...whats the point in trying to control/alter other people's opinions about me.
If I follow their opinion , which itself is ever changing..I will keep on moving from here to there, wasting time meant for having fun

Faith Lasts said...

and yes I liked the Miser point in the post.
It makes us a miser begging for love and respect , where as that itself defeats the purpose, like Guruji says in one of the tapes that you call over to dinner only those who already have enough at home!!

Also, Everyone is a source of Love and Respect enough for him/herself and the whole world
Jai Gurudev

Dinesh Nath said...

dear vaibhav

thanks for sharing your heart. But its good to judge also because then you make up whats good for you and not and you make better choice for your life... and after isnt it :)

jai gurudeva

Vaibhav said...

Judgment and evaluation is different... Evaluate and move on judgments keep on lingering in the mind for years and lifetimes together... after all its ur choice my dear Dinesh... :-)