Thoughts... Feelings... Sensations... When all of these feel connected to each other... We land in to what it is called Depression... Surprised!!!! But its true... When all these faculties inside you start thinking in one way... Either you are depressed or Enlightened... The only difference between those 2 is the state of the Mind... Which is actually something which brings you closer to your own Self... Thoughts which leads you to yourself are very conducive but getting trapped in them is also Bondage... All things in this entire creation is a bondage if got caught... Strangely one thing i noticed was there is no other way to stay on the path... Except complete surrender... Surrender bring Humility... There is nothing which can break you... only those things break which oppose or resist the Force... The Force of Creation and Force of Nature... We can be transparent or elastic so that in any given condition... Any Storm of Emotions... SURVIVE...
This path is not about the survival of the fittest... But rather Fit test to Survive...
For now... Till the Next one... Hang ON...