Saturday, February 28, 2009


The word "DISPASSION" 
   What exactly does it mean... this word has been mistook by most of the people... what normal Human mind perceive this as not indulging yourself in any of the worldly activities and any of the Worldly pleasures... No indulgence in the pleasure through the 5 senses... not to eat nice food, no smelling good fragrances, no hearing So called non satvic music and such kind of Taboos... 
   The irony in the situation is most of the people doesn't even know what Passion is!!! not knowing what is passion one cannot understand what is dispassion... you are passionate about something, u get it or u don't is a different matter all together... but that feeling of what is Passion is the link to understand what is Dispassion... the Pinnacle of Passion is dispassion... Surprised!!!! but true... where there is passion there is no feverishness, no bondage, where there is greed there is feverishness, negativity...
   When you are passionately in love with someone or something you just adore it the way it is... when there is a sense of possessiveness there the problem arise... there passion turns into greed or lust or obsession... the pure form of Love is Passion... when true passion is experienced then only one can understand Dispassion... It is easy for somebody to just put it into words what is dispassion...
   To understand dispassion first understand and experience passion... Sadly most of us do not realize the fine line between the Distortions of Love & Passion... Love on the level of Bhakti is Passion... where there is Passion there cant be sadness or misery... One automatically tends to feel Vibrant and blissful when there is Passion... the end of Passion is Dispassion... When it doesn't make any difference whether there is the presence of that particular thing/Person but still there is bliss, that state of mind is Dispassion... If there is presence one tend to enjoy it to the fullest but not crave for it when there is none... That is dispassion... Dispassion itself says "DIS" is "PASSION"... (This is Passion)!!!! hehehe an original one!!! :-) 
   One has to be aware and this awareness develops on its own... Everything is just effortless...

   There are many who will not agree with this... But this is the WAY IT IS.... Full Stop. 
Comments are welcomed!!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


   was just talking to one of my friend on the topic of freedom and there came a topic of surrender... What is Surrender??? Again if you see it from a perspective of a Normal Human Being... It is the thing (just to refer it) that comes when there is no other way out in any situation... Till the last point where there is a fight or an effort to freedom surrender doesnt happen... Usually this happens because We are not ready to give the control of our Life into someone else's hands... knowing that the Master knows everything buit still knowingly nobody can surrender... Strange are the ways of the Mind... Mind knows that the Master will guide you properly but still not ready to give the control over... and people say I am an DEVOTEE. its ok this is a natural tendency...
   Surrender can only happen when you feel that there is no other way out... the Intense Longing for freedom then converts into Surrender... Prayers do happen on its own... When you are surrender every breath is a prayer... and when you pray out of weakness you are already surrendered... The Irony is that people still believe that they are 2 seperate things... 
  If you see it from a broader perspective we notice that all the knowledge is there already within... And with the focus on the Master all the knowledge appears on its own with respect to the situation...
  No matter how we try to explain all this but still the language is a barrier... To explain this infinite play of the Consciousness... Its Impossible, it can only be experienced...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Freedom??? Cntd

Hey there
   Just wanted to extend on what was written on the Freedom post...
      When we apply the knowledge to the material world, we land into confusion, misery and trouble because either we think that why others are not applying the knowledge in a particular situation or blame the technique... The technique is not working for me... Its worked for others but me... There is another tendency which has been noticed that over a period of time we accept people and situations as they are... Keep accepting but at one point we a re fed up of people taking us for granted... Isn't that happened with you??? Now wake up and see... Are you Really Accepting People and Situations AS THEY ARE or just tolerating??? 
    It is not possible for us to live the knowledge to its fullest due to lots of factors... You can live the knowledge in the material world also but if you are not bothered about whether people are taking you for granted or taking advantage of you... When there is REAL acceptance there is no confusion, no misery... So Are we living the knowledge really or just trying to use it as a shield... Knowledge can be used according to the seeker the way he/she feels... either as a shield or as an Umbrella... the difference between both to understand i leave it upto you... 
   If there is sincere and intense longing for freedom... Wisdom automatically dawns... How to use the knowledge in situations and how to save your own mind... So to develop this intense longing for freedom "Pray" ... and trust me it comes... The divine has to respond to the sincere prayers... 
  In one of the books by Guruji... He says," Do not Pray from the Heart as the Divine will not respond... the Divine is called as deen bandhu He belongs to the weak... for our prayers to be strong we have to transcend beyond the naval and get into the 2nd chakra... Prayers done from utter helplessness are answered immediately... Try it and see

Jai Gurudev
  Comments and suggestions are invited... :-)

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Hi there;
   Ever sat alone and thought... What is going on in my Life??? How and When can I be liberated??? Is Liberation a state of Mind or it is actually Freedom from impressions??? Freedom from all types of judgment about Myself or about others...  What is this which takes me away from my Self??? from the Present??? Till when is this fight is going to on??? When is the end???
   Infinite patience is required to face such all questions of which there are no answers with you... What to do??? All we can do is WAIT... 
  But what is this Freedom and Where are we going to go after we achieve what is called Freedom... Even if we are so called Enlightened then also we have to live in this same world isn't it??? Or even there is no such state called Enlightenment then also we have to live in this same world... So choice is to wait or to move on... or is it??? 
  What I think... There is no Choice... The wait will never end... it is called Titiksha... 
But one more thing came to my notice is... All the knowledge which is there is to save your own mind... There are certain rules which have to be followed in the world have to be followed... Applying the knowledge in this world and everybody will take you for granted and take advantage and all sorts of things can happen making you all the more confused... So keep the knowledge to yourself that is to save your own mind... 

   Till the next part of this same post... Keep wondering!!!! What??? or Wow!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Love v/s Relationship - Continued

My very Good friend had written a comment on the Love v/s Relationship post
Here it is :-

Hmmmm....Pyar ko pyar hi rehne do koi naam na do....
But each one of us should experience love...even if it brings pain at Love takes you elevates you....
Look at Guruji....always in Love...with every moment of life...with every relation of His.... truly amazing...


There was a chat between him and me and this is what the post actually meant... in simpler ways

Without experiencing Love at a level of Relationships... You cannot transcend to just the Presence and transcend to Just letting Love be Love... we have to go through this pain again and again to realize that Love and Relationships are two different things... Thought they are connected according to what we see... But actually there is no need to connect... Over a period of time going through this pain someday we realize the marginal difference... It is actually complementing... Without Love Relationship doesn't exist... Even if it exist then also there is no Juice in it... and without Establishing a Relation Love could not be Found... once it is found then the trip is somewhere else... But till it is found we have to go through the pain of separation... May it be Material or for the Divine...

It is a journey... with ups n downs till you reach a plane (equilibrium) inside... No matter what is going on outside there is nothing shakes inside....

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Heights of Insanity

   Don't go by the title i gave... It is according to me the heights of insanity... Maybe not according to many other people...
   There is this tendency to be with someone... a need of somebody who recognises you as who you are... According to us that person gives us our own existence as a something ( Mother, Father, Daughter, Son, Brother, Sister, Husband, Wife, and on and on.......) but the heights of insanity is even if we are hurt by any of these relationships we still tend to look for someone or somebody else again who can console us in Bad situation... and Share the grief... Maybe you ll invite that person in your happy times also... not necessary that you ll forget that person in Happy times... But still there is a need of somebody...
   In the dictionary the meaning of the word Insanity is... Doing the same things all over again & again and searching for a new experience or result... Thats y all the scientists are Insane... But when it comes to our own mind... This tendency is, well i wouldn't say Harmful... But on the path we have to renounce this tendency too...
   As my beloved Master says, " The fool feels crowded even when alone and the Wise is alone in the crowd... " There is this emptiness inside all of us... The unknown fears it... The wise crave for it... The space where nothing can touch... No Relationships, No tantrums, No impressions... NOTHING... That is the place of nothing, and then we can actually say, I am Nothing, I want Nothing 

I have lost the topic from my mind... So till it comes back.... Hold on