Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Steps of a Staircase

There has been a lot of inquiry about are you a ladder or a staircase... Inside me that is!!! and pondering over these questions what i found out that if you have to be a staircase you have to grounded in knowledge!!! but for that to happen first you need to relax, calm down... bring your mind to the present moment... Become happy and then explore!!! without a calm state of mind nothing can be achieved!!!!
All of you must be wondering what in the world am I talking about!!! Take few mins out of your busy schedule and think about this... What is a difference between a ladder and a staircase!!! Well this is a unique way our mind understands anything... by giving simple examples related to day to day things... A ladder only appears to be attached to its destination but its not. one small push and voila it falls down... whereas a staircase is permanently attached to its destination. only an earthquake can bring it down... or if you demolish it... another thing is its very difficult to climb a ladder and not very smooth journey up as well as down but its not the same with a staircase... going up and down is very easy...
Taking this example and applying it to our life... Be like a staircase not a ladder... which means no matter how many wrongs or rights you face on the path, keep your focus at the end or rather the GOAL... A ladder falls of if shaken... Many events will come to your life to shake you and the Master will let them come just to let you know what you are... If such events will shake you then know that you are a ladder... There are many people in this world who play it dirty... If that shakes you off your focus or your sankalp... then you've lost your connection... Don't be sad if you've realised that you are a ladder and don't be too happy if you think you're a staircase... hehehehe!!! Cuz if you are stuck in any of these then you are bound to the ladder... remember that whether its a ladder or a staircase you don't relax on it... Same way on the Path If you are thrown off by people and their behavior or any other politics then you are off... No matter what happens in the organisation keeping your focus on the Master and His words is the wise thing to do... Becoming a Staircase... Having that unshakable faith... Then to an escalator and then to a LIFT!!! Heeheehehehe ... Now you only find out what are these!!!!!!!! :-)

Saturday, October 30, 2010


What is the first reaction when you see something beautiful??? WOW!!!! isn't it? Which shows that Appreciation is normal and the first response of everyone... That is the basic nature of a human being... But when it comes to an individual the reaction changes!!! the moment an individual tries and possess it, the purity and the beauty of it is lost!!! This has become a normal tendency of the mind... once you become aware of these tendencies you are already indifferent from it... There might be a possibility of getting entangled in the same tendency all over again... which happens most of the times...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Love to Contentment

When just the presence matters the most. You are content. There is just the presence which is precious!!! Presence of your very own Nature!!! Love!!! Contentment!!!
There is a time in our life when you can say that you have lived your life really is the time when you were in your very own Nature which is Love!!! First reach your Own Soul!!! Own Nature... You will Automatically find your Mate!!!! The Divine!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


What do u understand by the term Violence and Non-Violence??? Violence means hurting someone and non violence means the exact opposite... Well most of us think that way... Most of us think that Violence is an act of hurting Anything... And Non-Violence is an act of not hurting anything...
Well My realisation on this is completely different!!! Whether its Violence or Non-Violence both are not part of any Action!!! Both these are not Actions!!! Rather its an Attitude!!! To be Violent at place where its required is not Violence... eg; If someone is really depressed and Suicidal then slapping that person and getting him back to present might look like violence but actually its not Violence!!! Similarly If someone is getting beaten up by someone and not doing anything about is might look like a Non-Violent act but actually which means indirectly you supporting the Violence thus making your attitude Violent...
The actions which are performed does not really mean that a person is violent or not... Its the attitude by which the person acts!!! The notion of the person doing the act defines the merits or demerits...
If your attitude is Non-Violent... Violence cant come anywhere close to you!!! And vice-versa!!!

Tell me what do u think about it!!! Comments are welcomed!!!!

Love... Continued

Hi there
Its been a long time I have not been posting anything on the blog... There have been many new realisations as well as re realisations... :-) So this one is the continuation on the topic of Love...
Was wondering about one of the most amazing Phenomenon of Power!!! How in the world does anyone get motivation or power to act??? Pondering over this, it struck me that its Love!!! Anything and Everything gets power from Love!!!! A completely Logical Mind also loves its logic and thus gaining power to apply logic... An Atheist also loves his beliefs thus getting energised not believing in God... All the distortions of Love viz; Anger, Arrogance, Lust, Greed, Jealousy, Attachment, Obsession, Entanglement also give power but with a negative approach... The original power of Love is reduced... Purest form of Love is Unconditional which has the power to protect anything from Harm... Knowledge of this frees you from Fear... Fear of Death, Fear of Losing Love...
Till there is a tendency to search love outside in others this Fear exists... Even Fear gains power from Love as Fear is Love upside down... This knowledge can liberate you from all fears... Moment you see beyond fear you ll realise that the source of unlimited power is already with you... The most powerful Thing in the world is ....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cravings and Dispassion

Each and every human being is craving for something or the other. There is no Human who is completely dispassionate about life (there are exceptions). The more cravings you have the less stability you have in your thoughts as the energy is segregated in all these cravings. Then slowly it eats up the mind and its sanity. And you wont even know when it is converted into an obsession. There are people who can observe their cravings but cant do anything about it. As nobody knows the way out. They try fighting out which makes it even worse. The more you resist the craving more it persist and lash back strongly.
Ever sat and wondered what is this craving all about. May it be regarding Food, Money, Fame, Power, etc, etc. But at the end of all these cravings there is nothing but a false sense of security and pleasure, Which in reality does not exists!!! For eg. In the present moment you crave to be somewhere else and do something else, but you are stuck wherever you are!!! This craving when fulfilled then there are new cravings and new bondage. the vicious circle continues...
There is one more thing I have observed that there is a lot of feverishness connected to the cravings which doesn't let you enjoy the fruits of the past cravings to its fullest. Cause there is this feverishness about it getting over soon. When you are on a Holiday you think that its only 2 days left and then back to the same old pattern of job or business or whatever!!! But at the time of the Holiday you don't seem to enjoy the trip. There is a lot of turmoil regarding what will happen when you are back in the office and the pending work and what more!!! :-) Strange!!!
When Dispassion settles in or rather first learning what is Passion!!! You will automatically know what is Dispassion!!! Living life to the moment Passionately. Doing anything you do with all the Love whether you like it or not Will bring Passion to your life. Once you start doing things passionately slowly the result of it will not matter. Just by doing it will satisfy you more than waiting for the result... It is the wait for the result which brings about the Anxiety and Fear and Feverishness in you!!! So just settle down and whatever you do do it will full passion and love... Give your 100% and see the difference in the result as well as your own state of mind!!!

Comments are always welcomed!!! Till Then ....... Adios Amigos... :-)